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Moderation Guide

Writer's picture: McKale OlsonMcKale Olson

Updated: Aug 24, 2022

The Role of a Moderator

What does a moderator do?

A moderator is a member from the community who is granted special permissions as to be apart of a self governing process as to keep the stability of the server manageable.

Introduction to the Channels

The channel "how-to-mod" has a link back to this document in case you need to reference it at any time.

All reasons in regards to making decisions when kicking and banning people are to be mentioned in the "moderation" before executing the command.

The "time-zones" channel exists so other moderators including the lead moderator can know when people will likely be online.

The bot of choice for Summit Studios is MEE6.


If at anytime you need time off, go to the moderation roles channel and select on-break.

Chain of Command

Peer Review

When moderating and you come across an issue or have a question, ask a fellow moderator for help. If they can’t help/unable to answer your question, ask a lead moderator. If the lead moderator is not able to answer your question, then leave your question or pressing issue in the moderation channel. Once someone is available, your question may be answered.

The Chain of Command allows this Discord server to function in a highly effective manner. Supporting a more dynamic sense of what is going on in the server.

As a moderator, you are able to view all channels across the servers that the public is in.

To bring up an issue to the council of moderators follow this guide.

If the issue is obvious proceed to the next section, otherwise if you are unsure as to proceed in utilizing your ability to exile someone continue reading.

Step 1: Ask yourself would I do this if I were in their shoes?

Step 2: Identify the issue and the person(s) using a screenshot.

Step 3: Post the issue + screenshot into the moderation channel.

Step 4: Discuss as to question the person's motive, if that motive is agreed to be negative and harmful towards the safety of other people proceed to the command section.


These commands are cause for a warning, temporary mute, kick, temporary ban, or after moderation consensus a ban, with a record of who is banned.


First offense: !tempban

Second offsense: !ban

It is likely they will not come back and that is good.

Indirect NSFW references/Racist References

First offense: !tempmute

Second offense: !kick

Third offense: !tempban

Fourth offense: !ban

Unnecessary pinging owners/staff

First offense: !mute

Second offense: !mute

Third offense: !kick

Disrespecting other users

First offense: !warn

Second offense: !mute

Third offense: !tempban

Fourth offense: !tempban

Swearing in vc/Mic Spamming in VC

First offense: Warn with voice, if persists !warn

Second offense: !mute

Third offense: !mute

Arguing with a staff member

First offense: !warn

Second offense: !mute

Third offense: !tempban

Fourth offense: !ban


First offense: !mute

Second offense: !kick

Third offense: !tempban

Advertising (in chat)

First offense: !warn

Second offense: !warn

Third offense: !kick

Fourth offense: !ban

Advertising (in DMs)

First offense: !tempban

Inappropriate username/pfp

First offense: !mute and !warn

Second offense: !kick

Third offense: !ban

Alt Accounts

First offense: !tempban the Alt

Second offense: !tempban both Accounts

Third offsense: !ban offending account

Spamming (purge user messages)

First offense: !mute

Second offense: !mute

Third offense: !tempban

Chainmail (delete message)

First offense: !mute

Second offense: !kick

Third offense: !ban

IP grabbers/scam links

First offense: !ban

Controversial Topics

First offense: !warn

Second offense: !warn

Third offense: !warn and !mute

Fourth offense: !tempban

Learning How to Find and Inspire Peace

Ruling with violence does not work. Do not abuse your powers, if you need to. Put yourself on break and get some air and do what you would if you had a peaceful mind.

If you are bored while monitoring the server, check out the "resource-center" to find playlists, videos, and things you can do while monitoring the channels.

A healthy mind has a healthy body, make sure you get outside and exercise!

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